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Megan Filipowicz

Gratitude and Goblet Squats

It's that time of year for fall feels and thankful hearts.

GRATITUDE. It's everything we're thankful for; family, friends, health and well being to name a few. What are you most grateful for this Thanksgiving season?

This is my first Branch Out blog post and for that I'm grateful. I've been fortunate to build both an East Coast and a West Coast Kettlebell Crew and this first post is a Thank You for your continued support and motivation.

Enjoy this Thanksgiving Kettlebell Feast!

Warm-Up: 5-10 minutes of choice

Workout: 2-3 Rounds

10 Reps Quick Feet/Down.Set.Hike (Football or Light KB)

5 Reps Each Side "Turkey" Get-Ups (Light - Med KB)

10 Reps Goblet "Spirits" Squats (Med- Hvy KB)

10 Reps Each Side Clean "That Kitchen" & Press Up (Med KB)

10 Reps "Stuffed" Squat and "Throw it Up" Overhead (Med- Hvy KB)

10 Reps Each Side "Laid Back, Feet Up" Alternating Leg Lowering with KB Pullover (Med KB)

10 Reps Each Side "Present the Pumpkin Pie" Alternating Lunges (Pumpkin or Light-Med KB)

20 Reps Swing "Into the New Year" (Med-Hvy KB)

Stretch: 5-10 minutes of choice

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